I’d read through Microscope a couple of times, and had printed out the reference sheets. I’d ordered flash cards a while back which we used this evening to handle the items for the table display. We did two full rounds, allowing each player to serve as the Lens twice- the Lens role gets to establish the focus for the round (all things must deal with the focus in some way) and gets extra chances to add material to the timeline. For reference, here are the foci for the rounds and the Legacies players chose:
Foci: Round One: The Sword of Summoning; Round Four: Non-Humans
Legacies: The Great Beast, Avatars
Foci: Round Two: Dragons; Round Five: Gods
Legacies: Dragon Plague
Foci: Round Three: Riddles; Round Six: Transportation
Legacies: The Map of the Infinite Tunnels, The True Sword of Summoning
Except for the first round, we stayed general with the focus. I’d be curious to see how much that choice affects the play at the table.
The Big Picture
After some discussion we decided to do work with the following premise: "Cycles of Apocalypse and Rebirth in a Fantasy World." The idea would be that our history would be just one of those cycles. For the starting period we came up with "The Waters Retreat: Birth of the Deserts." For the Ending Period, we came up with "The Skyfall Summoned." There was some discussion as to how those cataclysms might be elementally tied as well.
For the Palette, you get to choose items to add or to ban. In our case, I split them into three add items, and three ban items. In retrospect, they’re actually six ban items, with some discussion at the time about how they would be replaced. The one’s we originally considered adds I mention first, but I’m rewording them in their clearer negative statement form:
During this period, based on the last couple of points we decided that each time the world suffers a magical apocalypse like these, some magic vanishes from the world, hence the absence of Healing and Creation magic. We’d later tie that into some other details.
The Actual Play
I’m writing this out as it looked at the end, not in the order of things being added. A (D) after an item means the tone is Dark; an (L) after an item means the tone is Light.
Period One: The Waters Retreat: Birth of the Deserts (D)
In this period, the magical apocalypse which gives birth to this history occurs. The old world is lost, along with some of the magics.
Period Two: The Avatars are Chosen (L)
In this period, the survivors of the downfall find some succor through prayers to the gods.
Period Three: The Generation of Scouring (D)
In this period, the Dragons, awakened by the events of the apocalypse, strike out at the survivors. Some dragons attack and then head off to sleep again, while others continue until they are exhausted or killed.
Period Four: Establishment of the Magical Sanctuary City of Vendrau (L)
The great city of Vendrau is created- it will serve as the largest safe harbor for the people and the repository of the most magical knowledge. Wizards will be trained here in the generations which follow.
Scene: Why Was Lord Kaldron Really Murdered? Kaldron attempted to place limits on the Sisters of the Joyous Disaster, wishing to regulate mages more tightly and fill his coffers from payments for training. The Sisters "convinced" a petitioner from Kaldron’s home city of Clod to talk with the Lord. A series of misunderstandings occurred, resulting in the accidental death of Kaldron and the petitioner being convinced to make off with the sword to provide a less humiliating explanation for the Lord’s death. (L)
Scene (Dictated): What of those who fail the exam? They must pledge themselves to the service of the city of Vendrau for a year. They may then take the exam again.
Scene (Dictated): What is the Fleet For? On the surface trade, but in reality gathering elements to help counter-balance the growing wealth of the city. They seek to prevent magical blowback.
Period Five: Golem Legions Conquest: the Age of the Golem (D)
With serious constraints on food and water still a problem, the mages create golems to serve as a labor force. Over time those number grew and mages made increasingly sophisticated creations. Eventually they gained a measure of sentience and independence, and in a sweeping war, took over across the land.
Period Six: Founding of the Ice-Cutters (L)
The Ice Cutters learn the art of traveling to the poles on great ships and cutting away segments of ice, shipping them back to the various cities. There they can be used magically to draw waters hidden away below the earth. This allows the expansion of civilization and the creation of cities to rival Vendrau’s influence.
Period Seven: Age of the Ghost Archons (D)
A wizard accidentally uncovers the method to allow the undead both greater consciousness and the ability to affect the physical world more strongly. These Ghost Mages seize control and institute a rule of arcane legalism and judgment.
Scene (Dictated): Who killed Arenexus? The Sisters of Joyous Disaster using the true Sword of Summoning which they found discarded at the bottom of a well in the town of Clod. (D)
Period Eight: Narya’s Refutation of the Doomsayers: War Against Prophecy (D)
Believing that oracles, visionaries and soothsayers actually create and cause the dooms they predict, Narya begins a grand theocratic crusade to rid land of any and all who possess such skills. All works of prophecy are burnt, eventually leading to the burning of any forward-thinking material. Narya’s Crusade sweeps through all the peoples.
Scene (Dictated): Why Does Narya’s Protection Fail? Narya discovers that just as with the magics, when the cycle of apocalypse occurs, some of the Gods do not pass on to the next age. She learns that her own deity, Taldare, will not survive the next transition. (D)
Period Nine: The Skyfall Summoned (D)
The doom of the world is summoned, as the last age suffered from the Doom of Water, this one comes from a Doom of Earth with a great stone falling from the heavens.
Scene (Dictated): Why did the Dragon Riders fail? They were betrayed by one of their own who grew to love the item which had been entrusted to him. (D)
Scene (Dictated): What balanced the successful escape of these peoples? A hero secretly brought along his steed- carrying a piece of the Great Beast forward into the next age.
Now that sounds lie a great Microscope game. At the very least, it's the most extensive AP that I've seen. I'm looking forward to reading your review and hope to get a face-to-face game going soon.
ReplyDeleteWe'll I'll say all of this comes from the amazing stuff you've been doing with Microscope over on your blog. I picked my copy up on the strength of your recommendation and posting.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting!