In the last year, I’ve been turned around on cyberpunk rpgs.
Between Kuro, The Sprawl, and especially The Veil, I’ve seen new approaches that dig into the parts of the genre I find interesting.
They’re about characters, not loadouts, creds, or maximum metal. The Veil has a
Kickstarter going right now, a “post-cyberpunk” add-on for the system. Fraser
Simons has done an amazing job synthesizing modern cyberpunk ideas and lit.
That pushed me to look at the early rpg sources.
I started this a little reluctantly. On the one hand, it’s a
break from the Universal RPG lists (which are slowly killing my soul). On the
other, what’s cyberpunk? I’ve confronted this genre definition problem before. But cyberpunk
seems the exemplar for loose borders. In the end, rather than go to Wikipedia
or draw up tight guidelines, I’ve gone purely subjective. If it feels like
cyberpunk I’m putting it in. Since I usually loosen my guidelines on these
lists as they roll along, I’m just cutting out the middle step.

So everything here falls into the “cyberpunk” folder in my
head. What’s not on this list? Paranoia for one thing. RPG Geek lists it as
cyberpunk. The user who inputted that data picked that genre classifications. I
can see a little where they’re coming from, but they’re wrong. Paranoia’s its
own beast despite the tech, AI, and dystopian vision. Mage the Ascension isn’t
either- despite several elements have a cyberpunk feel: Digital Web, Iteration
X. They make up a fragment of the Mage setting.
As always: Your Plugged-In Dystopian Future May Vary.
While I’m focusing on core books, I include a few notable
sourcebooks and supplements (by my reckoning). Ironically, I only list books
with a physical edition. I might include an electronic release if they’re notable
and of significant size. Some selections came down to a judgement call. I’m
sure I missed some, so if you spot an absent cyberpunk rpg from 1988-1992,
leave a note in the comments
First! Cyberpunk 2013's
amazing for many reasons. It arrives in the wake of Gibson's work and especially
the highly influential Mirrorshades anthology. Beyond books, we hadn't seen
cyberpunk themes or styles in other media. In the few places we did, like First
Comics' Shatter, they took more from Blade Runner's look than anything
else. But CP 2013 breaks now ground and arrives in with so many key ideas in place.
The original's an old-school boxed set with booklets. "Friday
Night Firefight" offers the tactical combat engine at the heart of the ‘Interlock’
game engine. It's crunchy, featuring hit location, movement tracking, and detailed
weapons. FNF would support one stream of Cyberpunk's
future fandom: people who wanted gunbooks and mercenary stories. "View from
the Edge" contains the character creation and netrunning rules. It focuses
on theme over crunch. The rules emphasize three principles of the setting: style
over substance, attitude is everything, and live on the edge. CP 2013 sets the template
for most rpgs in this genre: Rockerboys, Media-types, Corporates, Fixers, and more.
The netrunning system’s mostly a series of flowcharts. That subsystem requires a
lot of prep and it would get more involved in later editions. The final book "Welcome
to Night City" sets up the world with a timeline that look especially
weird from our present day.
Cyberpunk 2013 establishes
and invents the expected mechanics for games in the genre. It also spawns elements
which came to characterize cyberpunk as a whole for years to come. There's
nothing quite like CP- tonally or mechanically- before this. It's particularly interesting
to see that sci-fi authors Melinda Snodgrass and Walter John Williams playtested
this. WJW returns again later on this list. The product looks good for the time:
clean black and white with an art style highly influenced by Nagel. I also had to
laugh when I saw the various tables throughout the book, clearly done on an '80s
era Macintosh.
I'm an acknowledged Rolemaster
goof. It's my guilty pleasure RPG. Back in the day I even tried, and quickly
gave up on, SpaceMaster. CyberSpace adapts cyberpunk to the
arcane mechanics. It is "stand-alone," but I'd hate to jump into this
without a deep background in the system. It's streamlined, closer to MERP than core
RM or SM. But it still has tons of tables and numbers. There's an endless
skill list, detailed weapons, granular experience gain lists, and more. The game
throws readability out the window by going for a dense, three-column, small-font
It's a game where you have to roll to see which is your dominant
CyberSpace has six
professions: Sleaze, Sneak, Killer, Net Junkie, Jockey, and Tech Rat. These last
three have a lot of overlap which feels weird. The Netrunning mechanics are opaque.
They're presented haphazardly, a trait of ICE rules writing. You have to detail
out all your programs with their associated size, ratings, and effects. There's
a freaking table of computer languages with a couple of dozen entries, each with
types, costs, and application restrictions. It's a game that really reflect the
late ‘80’s and what some gamers wanted out of systems. More details, more
detail, more details.
Despite the weirdness, CyberSpace
sold decently. Players who enjoyed Cyberpunk
2013 picked it up because there wasn't
much out there. It also had interesting and well developed setting material. That's
easier to grok in the supplements (Death Valley Free Prison, Chicago Arcology) than the core book. On the plus side,
the first printing has one of my favorite covers, done by legendary Swamp Thing
artist Rich Veitch). They'd later drop that for some reason.
I list this because it’s the first of the relatively few cyberpunk
"licensed" products. In the future we'd be more likely to see media go
the other way with Shadowrun and Cyberpunk material as novels, video
games, and card games. Hardwired’s a novel
written by Walter Jon Williams, a playtester for CP 2013. You can see how Williams'
approach fed into that game. His work leans to action and military sci-fi.
The sourebook itself gives players an entirely new world, with
additional roles and new systems for Netrunning. In particular the hacking systems
seems more grounded in real world approaches to data structures. The sourcebook
also includes sample adventures. Hardwired
feels like a natural addition to Cyberpunk. You can see how its concepts and presentation
style affected the Cyberpunk’s second
edition. But this would end up a one-off supplement, not supported by later books.
The following year would see Cyberpunk 2020,
rendering some of the rules here incompatible.
In English, “Shadow Divisions.” This French rpg presents the
corporate-controlled, dystopian near-future society of 2030. It echoes the style
elements of cyberpunk and definitely wants to buy into that genre. But only the
cybernetics rules come the close to fitting with that. The game has players as underground
agents fighting against the establishment. That includes various alien factions
which have landed on our Earth. Also, the PCs are mutants with psychic abilities.
I put it on the list because it clearly wants to appeal to cyberpunk fans. LeGrog
lists it with the genre as well, so I'm willing to go along.
Mutant's the chameleon
of Swedish rpgs, shifting through several different versions. Modern gamers can
try out two completely distinct descendants in Mutant Chronicles and Mutant Year
Mutant and Mutant 2, both built in the Gamma World tradition, lead up to this
new edition. However with the cyberpunk rage, Target Games decided to release a
version of Mutant borrowing from that genre and Judge Dredd. While the game kept its dark, dystopian future with mega-cities,
it ditched all of the classic radiation-created craziness. So mutated animals, youthful
exploration of ruins, and the like vanished. Mutants still existed but as transformed
humans, often discriminated against. Devastated lands between the cities remain,
but this aspect is downplayed (as it was in the Judge Dredd rpg).
This version is referred to as New Mutant or Mutant 2089
to distinguish it from the previous versions. It did decently enough to generate
about a dozen supplements, several expanding the cyberpunk and netrunning elements.
Like Cyberpunk 2020 or Shadowrun, Mutant 2089 shows the "apocalypse as backdrop" or perhaps
"shitty future" genre. It's interesting to see how far the dystopia goes
in these settings.
Cyberpunk with magic. It ought to be double mumbo-jumbo, but
it works. Shadowrun became hugely popular
in our neck of the woods, appealing to younger gamers especially. It created a split
between Cyberpunk "purists"
and Shadowrun-ners. I still know people
who dig the former and scoff at the latter. I know I did for a long time. Shadowrun's interesting in that it embraced
the metaplot as well, creating several ongoing stories that hooked players. Eventually
Cyberpunk would try that, but never as
well there.
Shadowrun's amazing
longevity comes with a cost. The rules have become more granular and convoluted
over time. Multiple editions from different publishers hasn't helped this. Instead
it’s meant players have gotten re-releases of earlier publications with just enough
changes or additions to make them necessary. SR's also notorious for bad editing
and proofreading. I'll point to my review of Shadowrun Anarchy for more on that. The evolution of real world technology
has also changed the setting itself- forcing them to create a meta-event and reboot
which brought wi-fi-esque supernatural connections into the rules.
Willaim Gibson had an interesting response to Shadowrun, "...one of the things that
we were really conscious of was appropriation. Appropriation as a post-modern aesthetic
and entrepreneurial strategy. So we were doing it too. We were happily and gloriously
lifting all sorts of flavours and colours from all over popular culture and putting
it together to our own ends. So when I see things like Shadowrun, the only negative thing I feel about it is that initial extreme
revulsion at seeing my literary DNA mixed with elves. Somewhere somebody's sitting
and saying 'I've got it! We're gonna do William Gibson and Tolkien!' Over my dead
body! But I don't have to bear any aesthetic responsibility for it. I've never earned
a nickel, but I wouldn't sue them. It's a fair cop. I'm sure there are people who
could sue me, if they were so inclined, for messing with their stuff. So it's just
kind of amusing."
Shadowrun's first edition
did well and generated a large set of sourcebooks & modules. We'd see a second
edition just a few years later in 1992. By that time it'd become clear that Shadowrun was a success. The second
edition isn’t a full-scale overhaul. Instead they clarified rules, fixed problems
and added some material from the more popular supplements. 1992 also saw the release
of a Japanese translation of the game. I’m curious about how well it did over
Subtitle: "28 minutes into the future." A small French
rpg, the cover text reads, "Vous avez aimez Blade runner, New York 1997, Outland,
Warriors, Tron, Total Recall et Max Headroom. Découvrez Cyber Age le monde tech
de l' Europe de 2080.” Even without a translation you can see its sources. The
book itself is a cyberpunk sourcebook for the SimulacreS rpg from Casus Belli. They would release a revised edition
in 1995.
BOOM. Cyberpunk 2013 lit the fuse and Cyberpunk 2020 walks towards the camera
silhouetted by the explosion. It isn't that the rules undergo major revisions. Instead
has tweaks, changes to layout & presentation, additional elements (like Medics),
and combines the rules into a single sourcebook. All of resulted in a sharp, complete,
and useful core book. Smart design and clean DTP work made this great. Cyberpunk 2020’s new look drew attention
to the coolness of the rules, for example showcasing the Lifepath system for generating
The number of supplements released by R Talsorian blew up. Players
and GMs alike bought the Chromebooks.
Imagine a shopping catalog for magic items and you have the draw of these. The company
released sourcebooks for the major corporations, guides for different roles, player
& GM supplements, guides to netrunning, and more. The setting got deeper treatment
with Eurosource,
Pacific Rim Sourcebook, Night City and Home of the Brave. Some of that was great; some of it was
problematic. R Talsorian also let other companies produce materials for the game,
leading to new and interesting directions (the Necrology trilogy for example).
R Talsorian develop other lines and eventually rethink the game
itself. A sequel rpg, Cybergeneration,
appeared. You can read that game as a distancing from what Cyberpunk had become. The last releases for the Cyberpunk 2020, The Shockwave Trilogy of modules, appeared in 1997. A third edition
would be attempted and hated on by the fans. More on that in future lists.
Another French cyberpunk rpg, this time set in 2020 Brest. Characters
enforce law and order for a corporation, using their enhanced cyborg abilities.
This is a small product (sixteen pages) with a limited release. According to the
Guide du Roliste Galactique, "Cyborgs is the work of a student of the
CES of Keranroux in Brest, and was sold at the shop "L'Amusance" of the
city in the early 90s. It received the support of the Guild of Britain Games of
Simulation, Who took out a second edition in a special issue of his newsletter."
It received a similarly small scale supplement, Hard Tech, covering new items and technology.

This is legendary for having sparked an FBI raid of the Steve
Jackson Games’ offices, seizing developmental materials and hardware. Apparently
their communications and research led the FBI to believe the company had contact
with major digital criminals, operated some kind of hacking front, or planned to
publish a "how to" book on cybercrime. (Note: this is the story put forward by SJG and passed down in our circles. See the intro of this book for how they framed this. Other sources suggest the raid merely came because of the author's online activities. I'm leaving this with that spin for you to decide). Eventually SJG rebuilt the book
and won decisive court victories against the FBI a few years later.
GURPS Cyberpunk is
a genre sourcebook. It’s one of the early ones, before SJ Games polished their format
and presentation. It has the expected character creation options, world-building
advice, and campaign creation ideas. More importantly it has chapters on technology
and cyber-implants. The latter's often a sticking point for these early games that
want balance and crunch. How do you allow players access to these things? Money?
Points? Humanity? Consider the detail here against the streamlined approaches of
The Veil and The Sprawl. They skew insanely light in comparison, though more detailed
than many PbtA games.
Of course, GURPS Cyberpunk
provides a large section on Netrunning. It is detailed, it is dry, it is mechanical.
The rules have many options, but at heart they aim for a pseudo-realism. They're
great if you want to get a picture of how people saw hacking in the early 1990's.
They're also striking if you dig deep and complicated rules with lots of moving
parts. Our group loved and ran GURPS for many years, but we avoided these mechanics.
Steve Jackson never released a more modern version of this sourcebook.
We did get GURPS Cyberpunk
Adventures, GURPS
Cyberworld, and GURPS CthulhuPunk.
In many ways, the imaginiative space and thinking for cyberpunk in GURPS shifted
over to tech books and the standalone Transhuman Space rpg. You also have
to wonder if there wasn't a conscious decision to give up trying to stay ahead of
the tech curve with these rules.
The multi-dimensional rpg TORG offers two worlds with a cyberpunk
bent. I'm not that familiar with the game, but here's what I can glean. The first,
the Cyberpapacy, combines theocratic power with VR reality called the "GodNet."
This focus on cyberspace extends to an artificially created hell into which sinners
can be cast. Despite the gonzo weirdness of TORG, the Cyberpapacy offers a cyberpunk
vision we haven't seen elsewhere. Rather than corporations or fallen governments
we have a Church as the corrupt authority to rail against. That Church is the source
and supporter of cyberware and VR experiences. It's a lot more Philip K Dick-ian
than the usual stuff. This is detailed in The Cyberpapacy and The GodNet
supplements, both released in 1991.
The second world, Nippon Tech, is much more a gritty, criminal
cyberpunk setting. It is described as the "Mega-Corporate" reality. We
get less of the tech as a focus, and more about the society and its hierarchy. Nippon
Tech offers a bastardization of Japanese culture. It's a little odd and swings between
subtle ideas and over the top concepts. I like the material on corporate wars, but
the presentation of pseudo-Asia's less cool. This material is detailed in Nippon Tech (1991) and the Tokyo Citybook (1993).

Managing a game store for many years educated me in the fandom
for different rpgs. You learned the target audience and what elements drew them
to the games. Deadlands gamers skewed
younger, Rolemaster players had a holier-than-thou
attitude, more grognards than you'd expect bought Toon. All of that insight made me avoid some games, in particular Dark Conspiracy. I'm not sure what it was,
but in our area it attracted a group of argumentative, trolling, gun-carrying-at-the-table
enthusiasts. I recall vividly two of them screaming for an afternoon about Darth
Vader vs. Boba Fett.
Dark Conspiracy is marginally cyberpunk. We don't have
the usual trappings of a VR cyberspace, hacking, or technology as the disruptive
element. Instead we have a near future dystopia with cybernetics, robots, corporate
maneuvers and a demonic invasion behind the scenes. I normally wouldn't have put
it on the list, since DC doesn't call itself cyberpunk. But reviewers and commentators
repeatedly mention cyberpunk in describing it. The cover definitely has that vibe.
Some supplements, like DarkTek lean more
into these ideas.
Not based on the magazine or movie. Instead this is a French
game with a thin veneer of cyberpunk. It reminds me a little of Judge Dredd with a mega blocks isolated and
at odds. The world's tended by the corporation “Oxygène” and its robots. But there's
a sinister truth behind them and the PCs battle against their extermination of humanity.
Reviews on Le Grog describe the game as "too political" with a stark dichotomy
between eco-freedom fighters and evil capitalists. They also point to the lack of
player freedom given the tight premise. Heavy
Metal got two supplements, Killing Teknology--
the expected chrome equipment book-- and Urban
Guerilla-- a campaign module.

The other Cyberpunk
licensed sourcebook, this one is based on a series of novels by George Alec
Effinger. It’s a world where “…where Casablanca
collides with Blade Runner…” The Marid Audran books were set in a New
Orleans analogue and had a strongly Middle Eastern flavor. At the time I dug the
world these novels presented. They were Effinger’s only real foray into
cyberpunk. Health problems meant he never published that much (this is an edited correction, see Wikipedia).
When Gravity Fails
is a little over 100 pages. It has a timeline up through 2199, a useful
presentation of the world & campaign city, several additional character
roles, new tech and equipment, and a sample adventure. Some of the tech’s
really interesting for its social implications.
For example ‘Daddies’ are socketed chipsets which store
memories, training, and sensations. These give users artificial abilities. In
the WGF setting, these became ubiquitous, changing labor and expertise. The
development of ‘Moddies’ built on that. These allow users to rewire a subject’s
brain, an invention originally designed for neurological therapy. Eventually
these evolved into artificial personality overlays. You could chip one in and
become someone else. Alternately, you could have that done to you. The
fallout from this—abuses, addiction, identity theft—forms the backdrop for the
novels. It’s a great concept and one worth exploring in play.
The other new element When
Gravity Fails brings to the table is a treatment of Arab culture and Islam
in the future. This is OK. I’m glad that we have this material. Religion and
its associated culture rarely got treated in cyberpunk of this era. The other
rpg version we’ve seen is the the cartoonish Cyberpapacy. When Gravity Fails isn’t anywhere near as garish as that. It does
suffer from exotification and stereotyping (“ugh, proverbs as the culture touchstone again”). It also assume a
regressive version of Islam, with repressive treatment of women.
Finally, the art leans hard in two directions: super-sexy
and weirdly stereotypical Arabian. Sometimes both. For the latter there’s some attempt
at fusion of fashions, but characters more often look like they came out of Al Qadim. It’s a mixed bag, but overall
I think the striking ideas here outweigh the bad stuff. YRMV. If nothing else,
it’s a great example of cyberpunk world-building based on a central theme.