So below is a character sheet that comes from the mid-1980's from Villains & Vigilantes 2e. Specifically, the "Freedom Force" campaign that Charles Braden ran- set in the 1950's, a sequel to a FF campaign set in the 1940's. This would be my character, Dr. Neutrino, a self-involved and self-aggrandizing super-scientist. He partnered up with better and more noble heroes in order to make a name for himself. We played quite a few sessions with this guy. And as you can see below, I had a pretty minimal character sheet- a few numbers and stats scrawled on a sheet- just the basic needed. That plus my notes and sketches chicken-scratched across it. Interestingly, I later ran this character's son in a homebrew supers campaign Art Lyon ran. Dr. Neutrino, Junior was an earnest and enthusiastic supers- believing in the ideas of herodom and usually getting kicked in the face for it.

All of which is to say- I've always apparently gone for light rules- and not worried about all of the crunch, character options, kits, min/maxing, builds and efficiency that some players have.
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