That came back to when I scrabbled together some pitches several years ago. I had the image of someone surviving in a city under magical siege. Dragon riders, skyships, or other flyers bombed it nightly. The attackers dropped spells and curses, contained in magical foci designed to create maximum chaos and fear on impact. Sometimes they didn't trigger or activated only partially. Then specially trained wizards would have to go in to disarm and dispell then. And often they wouldn't survive.
Originally I thought about Danger: Unexploded Spell (DUXS) as a novella, maybe a YA novel, or a comic series. So what you've see below is the long-form pitch. Later I crafted a tighter, one-sheet, but this has more of the ideas and concepts. I read a good deal about the life during the Blitz and rewatched Danger: UXB. At the time I dismissed DUXS as an rpg setting- in good part because I couldn't imagine how to gamify much of it. But I have an idea now. I think DUXS would be cool as something like a Worlds of Adventure for Fate. Anyway, this post covers my original backstory and ideas. In the next post I'll talk about how I'd change and adapt these concepts for tabletop play.
PROJECT TITLE: Danger: Unexploded Spell
LOGLINE: When Quinn Daymire finds herself diagnosed
with magical talent, she's recruited into the army. Put in charge of a rag-tag
band, she must undertake the most dangerous assignment: deadly spell disposal!
LIKE: Lord of the Rings meets the London Blitz;
A Game of Thrones meets The Hurt Locker
PREMISE: Having lived in comfortable isolation on her
late father's estate, the discovery of young Quinn Daymire magical talent
shocks her more than anyone else. In a kingdom at war, Quinn finds herself
recruited into the Sorcerous Corps. After whirlwind training, she's sent to
Crux, the capital and a city under nightly bombardment in the war. Quinn hopes of
being sent back home are dashed when she learns her new duties. She will lead a
team disposing of unexploded spell bombs.
She finds little help in this task either from her fellow
officers or from her own subordinates- a dregs of the service. An accident at
her first disposal reveals her aptitude for the deadly task. Her childhood
studies give her an edge and gain her a new ally in the shifting elemental,
Archwield. Quinn presses on disposing of deadly bombs and beginning build some
trust. But when she uncovers a deadly conspiracy, she finds herself drummed out
of the service. Will she be able to reveal the plot or will the city itself be engulfed
in wild magic?
Quinn Daymire arriving in the fantastic city of Crux. More
people have queued up to leave on the skyship than have arrived. In the
distance we get the first inklings that the city is under some kind of assault:
smoke pillars, flying magical defenses, some of the grand towers damage.
Quinn's a teen, dressed in a great coat gifted to her by her mentor. She's
confused trying to make her way through the crowds, but still she has time to
stop and help a child find its mother. That's what she's grown up doing-
managing other people as we'll see.
We learn Quinn’s
lived her life in isolation- arising from her history and natural inclination.
When asked where her family is, she says she has none. She explains she won't
be in Crux long- she'll be returning home so that she can pick her life up
where she left it before her recruitment.
Quinn tries to find her way in Crux, capital of the Empire
of Hours. Her military uniform nets her a ride on the back of a wagon
driven by a pair of talkative enlisted men. This city is far from the village
she grew up in, far from the isolated Academy of Magic she spent the last nine
months at. Driving through, Quinn sees firsthand the devastation caused by the
war. Nightly raids rain fire and spells down on the city. They spot one of the
Masks, chosen protectors of the Empire, surveying the damage from a spell bomb.
The chaos and crowds of the city make Quinn uncomfortable. She thinks fondly
back on the tidy and orderly life she had back home.
Finally Quinn arrives at Sorceress Engineering Taskforce
building. An old school, it has clearly been requisitioned for the army. Quinn
wanders the halls looking for a guide before finally running into GLORIANA
HILLKER, a young enlisted woman with some strange markings on her uniform. She
seems pleased and excited to meet Quinn until she realizes the new arrival is a
Mage. Suddenly her attitude turns frosty. Brusquely, Gloriana takes her
to COMMANDER HARKVRAG'S office. The Commander seems surprised that Quinn's a
woman, but dismisses that quickly. He has her new orders.
Quinn's to remain in Crux. She will be heading up a newly
vacant post as the Magician in Charge for a Spell disposal team. The
Miremallian League has subjected Crux to sorcerous bombing runs for months.
Quinn protests. She was told she would be allowed to return home, to do
research, help her village. Commander Harkvrag tells her she has no choice.
Still fuming, Quinn
meets her attache and number two, SIR TOBIAS CRANK, one of the dog people known
as the Aperkitas. Quinn will be in charge of THE LEAD BRIGADE (named after
their late Magician). They are, to put it mildly, the dregs of the service
recruited to help. A Mage-Knotted Criminal; twin Goblins; a purposeless
Revenant; and a handful of red shirted pseudo-toughs. They're less than
enthusiastic about their new magician and start a pool almost immediately.
Even as Quinn tries to come to terms with the situation, her
teams given deployment orders. Crank drags her along. As they leave, Quinn sees
THE SOULFORGE BRIGADE, an all-female team, and their magician, DESPATIR SOULS.
Despatir has been injured in his most recent disposal efforts. The Soulforge
Brigade, including Gloriana, give Quinn a hard stare. Crank pulls her along-
explaining as they ride the basics for unexploded spell demolition. The Brigade
clears the area, sets up basic artifact wards, and then sends the magician in.
Armed with a Spell Key and a few fragmentary pages of singed notes, Quinn
crosses the threshold. She finds a spell bomb, dented but still lovely, like a
brass ornamental egg, crashed on the table of a now empty house. She prepares
And the bomb goes off.
As the magic clears
Quinn finds herself confronted a magical “thing” calling itself
ARCWIELDER This is how some spell-bombs work- containing spirit who, when
released, wreaks havoc or summons a potent effect. Arcweilder seems confused,
especially since Quinn manages to speak with it- the language of such things
has been lost for some time. But Quinn learned those words from her own father,
a heretical linguist. The two verbally joust with Arcwielder trying to gain
permission to destroy, but Quinn keeps the upper hand- eventually bargaining
the beast into her service.
If the “A” story is
the plot of the the magical bombs and the risks involved with those, then the B
Story revolves around Quinn gaining the grudging admiration of The Lead
Brigade. Her team's shocked when Quinn emerges from the house with Arcwielder
in tow. Money changes hands back as those who bet on her being dead must return
their winnings.
Quinn discovers her talents are unique- but require some
careful use. She crosses paths with the handsome, but damaged Despatir, who
seems to have secrets of his own. She also finds herself at odds with NYSENKO
TURNS, leader of the elite FULCRUM BRIGADE. Turns comes from the highest
nobility and sees his place and magic as a birthright. He has a couple of sycophant
assistants to help with the most taxing magical problems. Turns dislikes Quinn
for her weak and provincial landed gentry background. Such background as well
as her gender makes her unworthy of being an officer.
Quinn begins to adapt to the city despite the hostility of
her comrades. The Soulforge Brigade resent her- fearing that as a women, she
will be switched with their own beloved commander. She begins to discover some
of the personalities and problems of her own team. But mostly she's faced with
a stream of deadly jobs, trying to keep spells from going off, keeping others under
control and adjusting to the nightly raids.
Quinn's called in to bring her unique skills to bear when
the Fulcrum Brigade screws up a job. She revels in the opportunity to show up
Turns but in doing so creates an even more powerful enemy. She also misses the
activity of one of Turns' assistants, and his handling of the disposed bomb. Quinn
continues her work, but now has made an enemy of Turns. At the same time she
realizes that certain magical items recovered from the disposals have gone
missing. For his part, Turns begins a whispering campaign against Quinn. When
she goes in to dispose of another bomb, it goes off- destroying Arcwielder, and
causing huge damage.
Quinn's called up for her incompetence. Turns reveals the
details of Quinn's background- her father's heretical and banned work and the
fact that Quinn has used that. She lands in the brig. Quinn knows now she's
never going back home to her country house. She may well be executed.
The Lead Brigade stages a break-in using their unique
skills. They're aided by Gloriana, who has come to realize that Quinn isn't a
threat. Quinn thinks about going with them and escaping, but something's not
right. She finds a sign- Arcweilder was not destroyed. She puts two and two
together- someone has been engineering things behind the scene for some other
purpose. To that end, they needed the magical creature.
Quinn and her team race against time to uncover the plot.
They quickly realize that Turns has been an unwitting dupe. One of his
assistants has been in the pay of the Miremallian League. They have been
dropping in highly magical parts and pieces over the last several months. This
allowed them to skirt the main magical interdictions of the Empire of Hours.
Now they will assemble the device together to destroy the Great Hall of the
Empire and the Queen with it. Quinn and her team rush to the scene. They battle
it out and all seems lost- but for Quinn's previous bargains with Arcwielder,
the linchpin of the device. The bad guys are defeated and the Empire saved.
The force reinstates Quinn and she returns to her barracks.
This time the Lead Brigade has finally arrayed itself in proper uniforms, giving her a measure of respect. Quinn's changed a little- she
still has a distance to go, but this is a start.

Quinn spent nine months in rapid training, learning the
basics of magic with others. She had a decent knack for seeing the construction
and components of spells and so her masters assigned her to magical
engineering. Quinn got through this, assuming she would eventually be allowed
to return to her village, perhaps to put those talents to use there. Her
remarkable ability to ignore the reality of the situation stood her in good
stead until she reached Crux.
Quinn has many obstacles she must overcome. She's used to
being in charge- and even if not obeyed cheerfully, then at least being obeyed.
She's developed a brusque manner. She's also been isolated and alone for most
of her life- even before her father passed, they rarely had company. She's book
read but not wise and is about to see the grim details of the world first hand.
She also has to deal with the stigma of her father- a linguistic researcher and
historian banned for his controversial work. Yet it is precisely that banned
work that does give her an edge in bomb disposal- she has learned much about
the language and symbols the magical spirits use to communicate amongst
Sir Tobias Crank: Quinn's second in command.
He very much considers himself the wall between the affairs of the officer
magician and the enlisted men. He tries to run a tight ship, but he's working
with the dregs. He's short, a sort-of cross between a halfling and Scotty
Terrier. His people, the Aperkitas, were magically created long ago. They don't
understand magic or high-faluting philosophies, but the get what's right in
this world.
Arcwielder: A magical creature, cycling
through the various elements. It has a role and a mission, but will not speak
of them. It finds itself bound by its own relentless curiosity when it meets
Quinn. Later it finds itself helping the young mage as she works to protect the
Despatir Souls: Souls comes from one of the
oldest houses of the Empire, but one which has suffered much in recent
generations. Some speak of a curse. Souls could have had his pick of positions
based on his line, but decided to come here. He's brooding and distant, even
with his own team. Unknown to most his own magics cost him dearly. He's damaged
goods, literally and figuratively. Quinn's presence, in the long run, may be
the key to his own redemption and transformation.
Nysenko Turns: One of the rich and powerful
nobles of the Empire of Hours. He has access to power and wealth, and has used
that to give himself a relatively safe position here. The question- never dared
asked- is how he got assigned to this posting. After meeting and dealing with
him, most conclude that someone in his family wants him scrubbed away. Turns
has a testy relationship with Souls- Souls is tied to one of the most notable
families, but he ignores Turns and the rules of decorum.
Gloriana Hillker: One of the youngest of the
Soulforge Brigade. Like many, she holds an unrequited affection for Despatir.
But she's young enough not to realize her feelings are likely doomed. She's
excited to have someone her age joining the Brigade and feels as if a trust was
betrayed when she learns who Quinn is. She bad talks the newcomer, until
realizing late in the game that her reactions have no reality.
Commander Harkvrag: The elder Commander
assigned to oversee this particular segment of the spell-disposal units in
Crux. He tries to allow things to fall where they may. Most of his time is
spent in briefings with the high command and trying to get more resources. He
wants a dedicated team of mages working on the problem of evolving
spell-triggers, but few will listen to him. He's obsessed with the idea that
there's a opposite number to him operating in the Miremallian Empire. He's
drawn a picture of what he imagines that enemy looks like.
The Lead Brigade: Each Brigade is named after
the previous Magician Officer in charge. In this case, Theophilius Lead lasted two weeks before being blown up. This
Brigade has become the dumping ground for problem and non-human men. While
there are a number wearing “red-shirts,” a few are notable. Evantoad and
Vakuum, twin goblins: the former's a whiny second-guesser and the
latter's his vacuous sister who makes up excuses for him. Taskler Cage:
a former dashing criminal, now bound by magical knots and gaeses to serve his
country. Citizen Box: a
undead raised up by a malformed spell to vengeance on his murderer. However Box
died from an accident and so his call for vengeance is more aimed at increasing
street repairs.
The Soulforge Brigade: The all-female disposal
brigade. It has been originally constituted under the auspices of Dame Regan
Soulforge. It had an excellent success rate. When Dame Soulforge died, there
was talk of disbanding, but the pressing need meant that the newest Magician
Officer Despatir Souls took command on a temporary basis. Their continued
string of victories has meant that Harkvrag has refrained from changing that
set up, despite pressure from many and rumors of improprieties.
The Fulcrum Brigade: Contrary to standard
convention, this group has been named after Nysenko Turns' noble line, the
House of Fulcrum. This is a spit and polish group, despite the danger. Turns
has managed to keep himself above the really dangerous work- by pulling
assignments where the devices are known, falling back on controlled demolition
instead of disabling, and by having a set of lieutenants who undertake the
really dirty work. His team does have a fairly high survival rate as a result
of his desire to avoid problems. Despite the discipline, they have the best
This particular story serves as a solid arc setting up the
main character and her journey. She's advanced some here- but still has a long
way to go. She's taken on a significant adversary, but the war still remains.
She's learned something about magic, but questions remain unanswered. She's
built trust among her team, but still has to learn more about them. With that
in mind, here are some obvious arcs, plot points and developments:
- Exploring the backstory for members of the Lead Brigade.
- Coming to some kind of understanding with the Soulforge Brigade. Quinn's made progress, but has a long way to go.
- Dealing with advances in Spell Bomb technology
- Crazy researchers tagging along
- Life in a city under constant bombing- the difficulty of getting things, how people survive.
- The history of the war- what are the terms, who are the enemies, who are the allies?
- The precise nature of her father's banning- who worked behind the scenes on that.
- Quinn on holiday, returning home and the changes there.
- Turns' problems within his own family.
- The mysterious Masks and their role in the life of the Empire
- Romantic relationships? Uncovering the secrets behind Despatir's life.
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