This week I wanted to put together some pieces on Changeling the Lost, my favorite of the nWoD
settings and possibly my favorite game from WW. In 2008, I took a look at CtL
and wanted to run it. But I didn’t want to learn nWoD- I wanted a system I knew for the f2f game. So I worked on a conversion to our Action Cards system. I did a fairly
literal hack- making sure I had all the details from
character creation. I converted all of the contracts- probably
the part which took the longest. The campaign went well, except for a couple of
player hiccups. But the system worked in part because the longer we went along,
the more I hand-waved concepts. I also ended up wasting a lot of time and energy
putting that hack together- trying to keep everything from the original.
Last year I decided I wanted to try to run some more online. I’d developed some ideas I wanted to try in a new campaign context. Running online meant playing with new people and trying to establish an easy baseline. Since most of the players knew it, I opted to run this campaign using nWoD- as much as anything to see what people actually got out of the full system. I believe GMs should stretch themselves from time to time- running systems they might not ordinarily try out.
Last year I decided I wanted to try to run some more online. I’d developed some ideas I wanted to try in a new campaign context. Running online meant playing with new people and trying to establish an easy baseline. Since most of the players knew it, I opted to run this campaign using nWoD- as much as anything to see what people actually got out of the full system. I believe GMs should stretch themselves from time to time- running systems they might not ordinarily try out.
So I’ve run 20+ sessions of nWoD…well, not exactly. I’ve
probably really actually run “Baby’s First” version of the game. I have to
admit that. The system has a high rules density, but at the table I play it
pretty loose with mostly the basic rules. Those work decently, primarily
because I ignore the chrome like lots of modifiers. My problem with the game is
the rule density. Everything feels like a strait-jacket. You have wonderful
ideas and concepts, but then tons of mechanics and systems to handle those. So
you’re left with a couple of options. Either ignore and streamline those, as I’ve
normally done or else play with a highly granulated and IMHO highly restrictive
set of rules requiring significant referencing.
For the last twenty years, I’ve been running increasingly
easier and more streamlined game systems. That’s not to say I haven’t run some
crunchier things in the meantime, like D&D 3.5. But in most cases, I’ve set
aside complex games I used to invest in heavily: Champions, Rolemaster, and GURPS. In the case of the last two, I’d
been cutting out rules and sub-systems for those games- focusing primarily on
the core resolution system and trying to make the rest of the game flexible. A
chunk of the campaigns I’ve run have been our homebrew rule-lite system Action Cards which is probably closest
to FATE at this point. But I also ran a good deal of Storyteller- Vampire, Exalted, and hacks for L5R and
I don’t think nWoD’s is necessarily a bad game- it works for
aspects of the game that I’m less interested in. I like the core resolution
mechanic: skill plus stat to form a dice pool is decent. But the problem lies
in how that becomes elaborated in books beyond the core. When I ran ST from the
book I worked to become proficient and fast at resolving combat and skills. For
chrome elements, I concentrated on cool things the bad guys could do in the
system. But the complicated parts- magic, powers, charms, talents, whatever- I
left in the hands of the players. I let them use, declare, and explain how
these details worked at the table. That reduced the rules competency I needed.
I still made rules calls based on logic, primarily based on GMing experience,
rather than an encyclopedic knowledge of the game.
But I have an opportunity right now with the online game. We
just had a couple of players bag out, but the remaining ones would like to
continue to play. We have one previous player who I hope will also be
returning, and I may hunt down a couple more to round out the table. One of the
remaining players is getting married this month so we have a couple of weeks we’re
going to skip. That gives me plenty of time and a good break to consider
switching the campaign over to another system. The most likely candidate for
the switch would be FATE.
So how would I do things today if I wanted to convert Changeling to another system? Obviously
I’d want something simple, where powers and such can be easily described. For
the moment the easiest option would be FATE. This time I’d avoid going down the
route of writing up all of the Contracts and Kiths. The problem with sticking
to those lists and options is t I’d keep two things in mind based on my past
experience. First, don’t worry or even bother to translate everything. Too
often in the past I’ve wasted effort on full rewrites. These either hogtie my
options or simply don’t get used (see my work on Scion, L5R, and my earlier CtL hack). Second, include those
mechanics I enjoy even if break some of the symmetry of the system. If it’s
going to be a set of house rules, then make it rules for my house.
Aspects: Players
would begin with the standard four aspects. One of these would relate to either
their kith or seeming. One would be their trouble aspect- essentially built on
their character’s Virtue/Vice, whichever seemed more important to them. The
other two would be more open ended. If we’re converting from an existing
campaign, then I’d ask the players to build one of the aspects based on
campaign events. The other they’d be free to choose. If we’re starting fresh,
then it depends on the set up. If we’re playing fresh-from-the-Hedge
changelings, then the standard Fate collaborative set up might not work as
well. Perhaps I’d figure out a way to tie that into the world-building process.
Skills: For this
conversion, I’m building on Fate Core, rather than FAE. The latter is excellent
and could also be used. I’d likely go through and pretty closely convert the
Changeling the Lost skill list over. A few I’d drop, to get to an ideal number
closer to two dozen. Where possible, I’d link those to the Fate core list.
Those offer simple and tight options, plus there’s the advantage of having the
Stunt list already. A bigger question would be whether I’d use the Skill
pyramid. That often stumps players when I explain the game. If we’re converting
over, then I drop that concept. If we’re starting new, then I’d use it.
Contracts: The “powers”
of the game, these make the game mechanically distinct. In the past, I spent
time working through all of them. Screw that. Even writing up the contracts
lightly, you still end up with a particular read on them and a more limited
sense of what they do. As I mentioned above, there’s a break that moment when
you tell me my Contract can animate objects and then you read me the full page
of rules text limiting that. Instead, we’ll make up a list of the existing
contract sets and a one sentence description of what they do.
When players buy a contract, they get to decide how they
want it to function. Each contract can be an Aspect, a Stunt, or a Gift. At any
time during a scene, changelings may decide they wish to begin using contracts-
if they do so they spend a drama point as an overall initial tax. After that,
they may use any and all of their contracts once for free for the scene. If
they wish to use one a second time, they must either spend a drama point or
make use of a catch.
- Contract Aspects are used just like any other aspects. They’re open ended, but require some thinking. For example "Display of Grandoise Might" could be used in several different situations.
- Contract Stunts function just like regular Stunts from the Fate rules: a new action, a bonus to an action, or a rules exception. Generally these represent concepts like heightened strength or dexterity for a scene (general +1 bonus to a skill) or enhanced talent with a narrow use (like machine crafting gaining a +2).
- Contract Gifts just allow you to do a thing. You can glide. You can peer into a dream. You can talk to animals. You can make an animated machine that runs on its own. You can hold an object in place. The GM might require a roll depending on what you’re doing.
Contracts would be generally purchasable- with some
restrictions. I’d have to figure out how to handle that. Perhaps they’d need a
learning experience to buy a new one or have to do something in game. This
approach has several advantages. First, I don’t have to write everything up.
Second, two players could have the same contracts but define them slightly
differently. Third, it would be dead easy to make up new contracts. Fourth, it
brings back surprise and uncertainty to the game. Players couldn’t be sure what
powers other Changelings possessed.
Limitations to this? Obviously it requires the GM to monitor
the players’ suggestions. The GM would also want to price things such that the
PCs don’t simply invest in contracts to the exclusion of all else. A simple
restriction like the concept that multiple aspects have to come from different
areas could balance this as well.
Standard Stunts:
Players could also purchase regular stunts if they wanted, with the normal
costs and restrictions.
Glamour: Drama
points are effectively glamour. Changelings have a slightly larger pool of
drama points than your average person. Regaining drama points could also be
done through glamour harvesting, as per the CtL rules. Higher Wyrd characters
have a larger pool of drama points.
Changelings would have three stress tracks: Clarity, Social, and Physical.
Clarity covers all mental damage: fear, rage, alienation, and so on. All of the
classic nWoD business about phobias and such would be handled with
consequences. Social stress would simply be about rank within Changeling
society. Manipulations and trials could be more easily be played out. Social
consequences might involve making promises, being forced into bargains, or
getting the short end of a pledge. Social damage might heal quickly, unless the
opponent chooses to permanently reduce the victim’s rank.
For the Physical damage track, I’m of two minds. On the one
hand, I appreciate the simplicity of the Fate one roll determines hit and
damage system. On the other, I like rolling damage (as I mentioned before). I
know it seems weird to add granularity here, but I might try to figure out a
method for rolled damage and increase the number of boxes on this stress track.
Everything Else:
So what would I need to work out? I’d probably have to figure out how Pledge
function if players want to use those. Some elements- like the Hollow and such
I’d handle as a collective property for the group, with stress tracks which
could be drawn on. If I do a diced combat system, I’d have to work out weapons
and armor.
So that’s my first thoughts on that- I have to check with
the group and see what they think. We could do a Fate conversion, stick with
nWoD, or look at something else (like Action Cards). If we choose a conversion,
I want something simple and easy to develop. I want the players to have the chance
to define their characters they have in their heads, rather than trying to
wrestle that concept into the rules.
I was just thinking of this and found your game by poking around. This seems like a good adaptation to FATE from nWoD and I was wondering if you had more feedback on how it panned out in playtest. Is it hodgpodge or organic to have different expressions of Contracts? Were there any Skills that you ditched or that you added? I'm thinking it would be easy but fun to do a quick write up for various nWoD universes into FATE but I'm looking for some feedback before I try.